What does a math challenged sales guy that migrated into the merchant industry by accident have to do with going Beyond in payments? Quite a bit...
Latest Episodes
Leaders in Payments
Women Leaders in Payments – Lili Metodieva, Managing Director at Monneo | Episode 175
As we continue our spotlight on women leaders in payments this month, this week’s episode features Monneo Managing Director Lili Metodieva...
Leaders in Payments
Women Leaders in Payments – Lixia Zhu, Global Head of Product, Vynamic Payments at Diebold Nixdorf | Episode 174
As we continue our journey through honoring our women in payments leaders this month, my next guest is another exceptional individual that does...
Leaders in Payments
Women Leaders in Payments – Kathleen Pierce-Gilmore, Head of Payments at Silicon Valley Bank | Episode 173
My guest this week marks our first impressive female leader in payments to kick off our Women Leaders in Payments monthly special. Her name is...
My guest today is a self-proclaimed “black sheep recovering banker” who is still trying to figure out how to make the world a better place and save...