Women Leaders in Payments: Germana Cruz, CEO & Head of Financial Institutions, Standard Chartered | Episode 242

My third guest in our Women Leaders in Payments series is a true example of what it takes to be a female leader in our industry. She started at Burger King, as a ham and cheese guru, working her way up to cashier – and all to pay for her ESL classes at university in Boston (including Harvard). And now? CEO and Head of Financial Institutions LATAM at Standard Chartered Bank! Germana Cruz has learned how to always be ready for the unexpected. In fact, she embraces it! 

Learn what attracted her to the financial industry and what kept her with the same bank for the majority of her career. Hint: Work-life balance. It’s absolutely fascinating to hear her talk about the importance of performing her role as a mother, as it relates to her corporate success. 

As for guiding principles, she has three: invest in your education is first and foremost, followed by managing expectations and identifying your values in a manner that prevents you from crossing your own lines.

Tune in to hear Germana talk about her journey as a female leader in this industry, including the necessity for choosing your battles, the importance of listening, and the feedback that completely changed her understanding of her projected career path.