Women Leaders in Payments: Carol Wang, Senior Leader Commercial Payments | Episode 244

My next guest for our Women Leaders in Payments series has both an entrepreneur and facilitator spirit, being born into a family of self-starters and go-getters that depended on their entrepreneurial ventures for their foundation. KeyBank Senior Leader, Commercial Payments Carol Wang started her career in marketing but her intrigue with payments quickly changed her trajectory.

One of Carol’s roles at KeyBank is to lead the Solutions Engineering Team – a dedicated department that provides end-to-end technical payment services. Why did Carol choose KeyBank? In a nutshell, she perceived the capacity to build her career the way she wanted to within the infrastructure of a large organization.

As for her guiding principles, there’s one tried and true principle that has been with her throughout her entire career, and one that has adapted as her career has matured. Regarding the tried and true one, Carol emphasizes the importance of looking at who you’re going to work with and for versus just focusing on the job itself. And the other? Having an opportunity that will allow you to make a scalable difference.  

We also discuss her most eye-opening career moments – including a corporate case study she participated in that had some pretty interesting results regarding the typical male and female response. Don’t miss it!