Financial Inclusion Series: Catharina Eklof, Chief Commercial Officer at IDEX Biometrics | Episode 261

Imagine a world in which biometric technology empowers the financially excluded. That’s the compelling vision Catharina Eklof, Chief Commercial Officer of IDEX Biometrics, shared with us in our latest conversation. As we explored the convenience, security, and peace of mind offered by IDEX‘s code-based solution, she illuminated the transformative potential of using fingerprints to create a library of data points. Especially poignant was the potential impact on people challenged by dementia, literacy or vision impairments.

Biometric payment cards can provide secure, accessible financial services for everyone, especially vulnerable groups. With India pioneering this technology and Mastercard undertaking promising regional trials in Mexico, the future of payments is here. As Catharina explained, it’s not just about technology – IDEX‘s commitment to sustainability and diversity means they’re striving to make a meaningful difference in people’s lives. Join us for these insights and more, as we step into the future of financial inclusion with biometrics.

Below you will find some important reference material provided by IDEX Biometrics:

Biometrics role in financial inclusion:

Catharina Eklof, Chief Commercial Officer of IDEX Biometrics, explains how the biometric payments could replace hard-to-remember PIN numbers and passcodes, boosting financial inclusion. 

IDEX efforts in diversity & inclusion:

Catharina Eklof, Chief Commercial Officer of IDEX Biometrics, reflects on how to cultivate an inclusive ethos and drive future growth and innovation in payment technology.


Gender gaps within financial inclusion in Bangladesh:

This report highlights the gaps from a Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) perspective to understand how financial services can be inclusive and provide access to financial and productive resources to leave no one behind.